Personal Injury Archives - The Barnes Firm

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    Legal Action Forced Soccer Concussion Protocols

    SAN DIEGO – After possibly thousands of concussions and many careers cut short, U.S. Soccer implemented a new protocol last week that aims to curb concussions. The United States Soccer Federation developed a plan that would eliminate ‘heading’ the ball for children 10 years old and younger. The new...

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    Shigella Outbreak Linked to Restaurant

    SAN JOSE, Calif. – You could be at risk of contracting a ‘ballooning’ bacterial illness if you visited Marisco’s Mexican seafood restaurant in California, health officials said. More than 100 people across the Golden State have been sickened by a shigella outbreak – forcing the state to shut down...

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    $30 Million Project to Study Concussions

    LOS ANGELES – Football players at UCLA hit the practice field equipped with new technology. Nearly 30 players will wear helmets that can accurately tell school researchers where and how hard a player was hit. The testing is already getting valuable results. Dr. John DiFiori, head physician at UCLA...

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    Hit & Run Drivers Not Only Go To Jail; They Ruin Lives

    LOS ANGELES – There’s an epidemic sweeping the nation that has sent thousands of people to emergency rooms over the last 12 months. The number of hit and run crashes has skyrocketed and there are few places that have it worse than Southern California. In January, Los Angeles County...

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