Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer | Drowning Attorney | The Barnes Firm

Drowning & Pool Accident Attorney

The Barnes Firm has experienced pool accident lawyers who have helped victims of drowning and their families. Some of the most common swimming accidents happen in these locations:

  • Residential swimming pools
  • Hotel swimming pools
  • Public swimming pools
  • Water parks
  • Beach accidents
  • And more
  • Contact The Barnes Firm

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The Barnes Firm Helping People After Swimming Pool Accidents

Inflatable ring floating in swimming pool on sunny day.

About Swimming Accidents

Hot tubs and swimming pools can be extremely dangerous for toddlers and small children without supervision. In many cases, swimming pools must be in enclosed areas that are not easily accessible by children.

Some states require homeowners to get a permit before a swimming pool or hot tub can be installed. These permits usually require an inspection that will ensure all safety measures are in place.

Common Swimming Accidents

These are some of the most common swimming accidents:

  • Inadequate fencing
  • Lack of supervision
  • No lifeguards or improperly trained lifeguards
  • Diving board accidents
  • Diving in shallow water
  • Electrocution
  • Failure to cover the pool or hot tub
  • Inadequate warning signs

If you or your child has drowned or been injured in a swimming accident, contact The Barnes Firm now. Our swimming pool accident lawyers know the local and state laws that can help you and your family get the best result possible from an injury or wrongful death claim. Contact us or call an attorney today.

Top view of boy standing on spring board learning to dive during swimming class on a summer day. Boy learning swimming at outdoor pool.
silhouettes of young group of people jumping in the ocean

Beach Lake Drownings

Beaches can be very dangerous – even for the most experienced swimmers. Undertow is unpredictable, and it can happen at any beach. Undertow, or backwash, is the back-flow of water after a wave breaks on a beach.

In large bodies of water, like an ocean or lake, waves can be unpredictable. In some cases, the shape of a coastline can generate a dangerous rip-current, which is a strong, narrow jet of water that moves away from the beach.

Pool Safety & Rules

Safety Practices for Pools

  • All fences and walls should be at least 4-feet high and enclose the entire pool
  • All fence gates should be self-closing and self-latching
  • Latches should be out of a child’s reach
  • Never leave toys or floats in a pool area
  • Steps and ladders to above-ground pools should be secured and locked, or removed when the pool is not in use
  • Never leave a child unsupervised near a pool
  • Always have someone watch young children during social gatherings. When adults become preoccupied, children are at risk
  • Learn CPR. This skill could save a life
  • Always keep rescue equipment near the pool
The red life ring lies on the wooden floor of the swimming pool. Life cycle, floating above the sunny blue water. Ring of life in the pool
a man diving into a pool

Diving Accidents

A diving accident is the top cause of head or spinal cord injuries resulting from pool incidents. Most often, these injuries happen because someone dove into shallow water, but a defective diving board, or a diving board accident can also cause these serious injuries.

Diving accidents don’t just happen at pools, either. There are many shallow lakes, rivers, ponds, and other waterways that can have cliffs or diving boards.

Before anyone dives into water, it’s important to check the water depth and remove any debris that could cause an accident.

Pool Accidents

Almost all pool accidents are the result of the lack of supervision. That’s why it’s always important to watch children while they’re in a pool area. There are two types of pools, and each have safety measures that should be in place:

Above ground pools – All ladders should be latched or removed. If there’s a deck, make sure it has a gate, and it’s latched after each use. These safety measures should be in place regardless of whether a child lives in the house or not.

Inground pools – The area around these pools are required to be fenced. It’s the pool owner’s responsibility to make sure all safety measures are in place, and that children cannot easily access the pool area.

empty pool


There are over 5,000 swimming accidents each year which result in hospitalization. In addition, hundreds of children drown in pools, spas and whirlpools.

Here are some alarming statistics:

  • Children ages 1 to 4-years-old face the highest risk of drowning in residential swimming pools
  • Alcohol and drug use is a factor in half of all teen and adult drownings
  • 70% of all boating fatalities are drownings
  • Alcohol is a factor in 33% of all boating accidents

Rules at the Beach

Here are Some Simple Rules To Follow at the Beach:

  • Learn how to swim
  • Never swim alone
  • Always supervise children
  • Never rely on flotation devices
  • Avoid mixing alcohol and swimming
  • Follow the rules. These are in place for your safety
  • Report all hazardous conditions (rip tides, jellyfish, etc) to lifeguards or other beach management personnel
  • Stay away from walls or piers at a lake or ocean. Strong currents can form near fixed objects

If you or your child has drowned or suffered serious injury as the result of a swimming accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact The Barnes Firm for a FREE case evaluation.