The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Los Angeles

Truck drivers spend months training to receive their commercial drivers licenses; yet, a CDL is not a shield against all that can go wrong when operating a semi truck or tractor trailer. When a large truck becomes involved in an accident, there may be several underlying factors that contributed to the crash.

The Barnes Firm’s best truck accident lawyers in Los Angeles have determined the following are some of the most common causes of truck crashes.

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5 Factors that Contribute to Truck Accidents in LA

Truck Accident Lawyers

Driver Error

Licensed commercial truck drivers spend a significant amount of time training to become safe drivers of dangerous vehicles like semi trucks and tractor trailers. Although they have an increased responsibility to keep other drivers safe, truck drivers are susceptible to making bad decisions on the road. Drowsy or drunk driving, driving under the influence of drugs, driving recklessly, or driving while using a cell phone are all habits that increase the likelihood of a collision. Still, statistics do reveal that most truck crashes are caused by reckless or distracted driving on behalf of the passenger vehicle driver.

Insufficient Vehicle Maintenance

Truck drivers must meet tight deadlines to transport cargo all over the country. Their vehicles travel thousands of miles every day. As a result, they require frequent and extensive maintenance. When they don’t receive maintenance as often as needed, or don’t receive quality maintenance, equipment can fail and act as a ticking time bomb.

Team of mechanics working together at the repair garage
Truck Driver Sleep Apnea

Equipment Failure

Without proper maintenance, equipment is bound to fail creating the opportunity for disaster. Equipment may also fail if manufacturers produced defective or dangerous parts. Several parties may be liable for equipment failure truck accidents, including the manufacturer, company that sold the truck, and the mechanic who made repairs.

Poor Weather and Road Conditions

Inexperienced truck drivers may be thwarted by a sudden change in weather or road conditions. Rain, snow, and ice are especially hazardous conditions in which to drive, as the truck requires even greater stopping distance. Skilled truck drivers must rely on safe braking techniques to avoid skidding, hydroplaning, or jackknifing.

semi truck turning at a light
red semi truck driving down the road

Improperly Loaded Cargo

Industry standards regulate the proper loading of a truck’s cargo. Truck drivers and cargo loading teams must meet weight, size, length, width, and height requirements and not exceed the limitations of each. They must also secure the cargo properly. Negligence during the loading of cargo has led to catastrophic collisions.

Trust Truck Accident Lawyers in Los Angeles

You can trust The Barnes Firm’s best truck accident lawyers in Los Angeles to thoroughly investigate the facts of your truck accident in the event that you have suffered injury or property damage.

At The Barnes Firm, we have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Count on us to represent you in your truck accident case in the Bronx.