What Happens After a Car Accident Without a Police Report?

In the Big Apple and other parts of New York state, there are hundreds of thousands of auto accidents every year. Unfortunately, local and state police can’t always arrive on time or even make it to the scene of an auto collision. While those involved in serious accidents must take the responsibility upon themselves to go to the police precinct to file a report, some drivers do not. This can have wide-ranging consequences in the long run, and this is especially true if you have an injury claim as a result of the accident.

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When Should You File a Car Accident Report in New York?

One confusing aspect of suffering a car accident in New York is what to do when the police don’t show up, or can’t. State law tried to solve this problem by requiring the drivers involved, and those injured, to go to their local police and file a written account of what occurred within ten days.

If you’re in a collision and law enforcement doesn’t show up, you should at least exchange license and insurance information while you’re at the scene. When deciding to file a report or not, the following standards should apply:

  • Injuries were suffered as a result of the crash
  • There was a fatality
  • Property damage resulted in more than $1,000 in value

Of course, you might not have any idea what your property damage amounts to after an accident. This is why the ten-day deadline is in place to give you a chance to take your car to a vehicle collision shop to get an estimate.

Air bag and Front windshield cracked by car accident

Consequences of Not Filing a Report When Making a Car Accident Claim

If you’re in a New York car accident and if anyone got hurt and will file a claim against your insurance, take the time to file the required report. There are several consequences to consider if you choose not to, and that list starts with the fact that your insurance claim could be denied.

Injury and property claims rely on hard evidence and official documentation. Without this necessary proof of your case, getting an insurance payout for your damages will be next to impossible.

Additionally, state law requires a car accident report if any injuries occurred. It doesn’t matter if you suffered minor whiplash or bruises where your seatbelt held you back. Failure to report an accident in this situation may result in the suspension of your license, and possibly a misdemeanor charge on your record.

How Insurance Companies Treat New York Car Accidents Without Police Reports

Drivers who are in auto collisions and do not file a police report are at the mercy of their insurance companies if they file a claim. Remember that these multi-billion dollar corporations are out to make money and will try to prevent payouts. They are not here to help you through a devastating crash experience.

Without submitting an official accident report, your insurer may offer a minimal claim amount, demand you pay the deductible on the policy, and demand further proof if your damages are significant. Definitive evidence like medical records, auto repair bills, and photos of your injuries become critical to your case.

If you manage to get the police report you might be shocked to find that it doesn’t state who was at fault for the accident. New York is a no-fault state and you should seriously consider hiring a seasoned car crash attorney to represent your case at this point.

Insurance Agent Inspecting Car After Accident
Insurance Agent Inspecting Car After Accident

How Insurance Companies Treat New York Car Accidents Without Police Reports

Drivers who are in auto collisions and do not file a police report are at the mercy of their insurance companies if they file a claim. Remember that these multi-billion dollar corporations are out to make money and will try to prevent payouts. They are not here to help you through a devastating crash experience.

Without submitting an official accident report, your insurer may offer a minimal claim amount, demand you pay the deductible on the policy, and demand further proof if your damages are significant. Definitive evidence like medical records, auto repair bills, and photos of your injuries become critical to your case.

If you manage to get the police report you might be shocked to find that it doesn’t state who was at fault for the accident. New York is a no-fault state and you should seriously consider hiring a seasoned car crash attorney to represent your case at this point.

New York Car Accident Attorneys You Can Count On

After a car accident in New York, you may find your life changed forever due to a catastrophic injury. It’s critical that you and others involved in your collision file a report with the authorities within the ten-day deadline. Doing this ensures you have concrete evidence of your experience and a fresh recollection of the events leading up to the accident.

An experienced car accident lawyer with The Barnes Firm can assist you with this filing, as well as obtaining other critical pieces of documentation and evidence to build your personal injury claim. You deserve fair compensation for what you’ve suffered because of another driver’s negligence. Don’t suffer needlessly. Speak with our skilled attorneys right away to learn more about your rights during this difficult time.

The Barnes Firm’s best car accident lawyers in New York have represented injured victims for decades, helping them secure the best results possible. We don’t stop until we have secured the care and damages you need to start rebuilding your life after a traumatic auto crash. Our demonstrated ability to successfully bring large settlements at trial has earned us recognition as members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Contact our highly-qualified attorneys today to learn more about how our services will benefit your case.

The Barnes Firm (800) 800-0000