What Type of Lawyer Handles Semi-Truck Accidents?

With so many drivers using highways each day, it only takes one overworked truck driver to change your life forever. Semi-trucks weigh 20–30 times more than an average car and can be over 30 feet long. At that size, truck accidents can be catastrophic; even low-impact crashes can cause severe damage to you and your vehicle. After an accident, many questions may go through your mind. A truck accident attorney can help answer them.

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What to Do after a Truck Accident

After any car accident, those involved are often confused about what they should do next. It becomes even more stressful after being in a truck accident. You should call the police and any necessary medical workers to treat injuries. Even if you don’t have any physical injuries, you should still consult a doctor after the accident. Many motor vehicle accident injuries do not show up right away.

Police officers will take a report of the accident and speak to the parties involved and any witnesses. If possible, you should take as many photos as possible of your car’s damage and any injuries you or a passenger received.

line of semi trucks on the highway

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Almost half a million motor accidents are caused by semi-trucks, killing thousands of people every year. Over the years, road authorities put in place safety measures to keep truckers and other drivers safe. However, trucking accidents are still common. A few factors that lead to semi-truck accidents are:

  • Fatigue is the most common cause of accidents. Most truckers drive long distances for many hours with little rest in between, causing them to be overworked and exhausted. This can cause drivers to fall asleep behind the wheel.
  • Speeding is another factor that causes accidents. Drivers are often under strict deadlines. In some cases, their time frame is unrealistic, and poor weather conditions and traffic can make drivers late. With the fear of losing their job for not meeting the deadline, most drivers go over the speed limit.
  • Distracted driving is dangerous for anyone behind the wheel, but it becomes even more dangerous when a trucker is distracted. Truckers drive for hours on end and may look for something to keep them occupied. Texting or changing radio stations can take their eyes off the road, which could lead to severe consequences.

While there are other factors to consider, like the time it takes trucks to come to a stop or their larger-than-normal turning curve, fatigue, speeding, and distracted driving are the most common causes of truck accidents.

Types of Semi-Truck Accidents

Head-on and rear-end collisions are the most common car accidents. However, the truck’s size alone increases the number of accident types. Motorists should consider jackknife, blind spots, and rollover accidents when surrounded by many trucks.

semi truck turning at a light

Jackknife Accidents

Jackknife accidents occur when a truck driver brakes suddenly and the trailers swing out to a 90-degree angle. Jackknifing trucks can hit many cars and cause severe damage. They also can easily overturn or roll over.

Blind Spot Accidents

Many truck companies have “if you can’t see my mirrors, I can’t see you” signs on the back of their trucks. Semi-trucks have significant blind spots where the driver loses sight of other vehicles. A trucker has a much greater blind spot than someone driving a car or SUV.

red semi truck driving down the road
red semi truck driving down the road

Blind Spot Accidents

Many truck companies have “if you can’t see my mirrors, I can’t see you” signs on the back of their trucks. Semi-trucks have significant blind spots where the driver loses sight of other vehicles. A trucker has a much greater blind spot than someone driving a car or SUV.

Truck Accident Lawyers

Rollover Accidents

If a trucker loses control of the vehicle, the truck could roll over. A rollover truck can make both the truck and any cargo a severe road hazard for other drivers.

Who Is Responsible for Truck Accidents?

In most car accidents, it’s clear who the at-fault party is. However, it becomes a little more complicated with truck accidents. The truck company might be at fault for allowing the trucker to drive more hours than allowed, or the truck’s owner could be responsible if the accident was caused by faulty equipment. It’s common for any of these parties to deny fault or liability, but a truck accident attorney can assist you.

Contact a Semi-Truck Accident Attorney at The Barnes Firm

If you or a loved one was involved in a semi-truck accident, you can rely on the experienced truck accident attorneys at The Barnes Firm. Our team of attorneys is experienced in motor vehicle cases and will fight for you to receive the compensation you deserve. We’re available 24/7 to review your case and answer any questions. Speak with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney at The Barnes Firm today by completing our online contact form or calling our office to schedule a free consultation.

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