Who Do I Call If I’m in an Out-of-State Car Accident?

If you’ve ever gotten into a car accident, you know that it can be a nerve-wracking and frenzied experience, even if it’s in your own neighborhood. Getting into a car accident in another state can be even scarier. You’re in unfamiliar territory, you’re far from home, and you’re faced with a number of pressing questions. Is my policy covered in this state? Where should I file an injury lawsuit? What rules apply in this state that don’t in my home state?

Out-of-state car accidents are relatively common, so it’s important to keep a cool head. Here are a few pointers from our best car accident lawyers in New York to keep in mind should you ever find yourself in a sticky situation.

  • Contact The Barnes Firm

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What Locations Does My Car Insurance Policy Cover?

Don’t worry too much that your auto insurance policy won’t be covered in a different state. Nearly every auto policy extends coverage across all 50 states, U.S. territories, and parts of Canada. That means that if you opened up a policy in New York, you’ll likely receive coverage if you get into an accident in Pennsylvania, Toronto, or even Puerto Rico.

If you do receive coverage, it’s important to know that the laws of the state where the accident occurred will likely take precedent. Nevertheless, every car accident case is different. With rules varying state-to-state, it’s important to consult with an attorney who has experience with auto-accident cases to help you understand where you’re covered and how to approach your case.

woman standing in front of a chalboard with question marks drawn in chalk around her head

What Steps Do I Take After an Out-of-State Accident?

In the minutes after a car accident, there are a number of steps to keep in mind. Many of these common procedures are important to consider no matter what state you’re in. Nevertheless, understanding these basic principles will reduce your stress and anxiety after an accident.

  • Call the police and medical emergency services: If you or any other passengers were injured in the accident, seek medical attention. Consider calling the police, even if the incident was minor and everyone is cooperative, so that you have an official report to give to your insurance company. A simple 911 call should do the trick.
  • Document the scene: Jot down notes and snap photos of the entire scene, including how the crash occurred from your perspective and the damage sustained to the vehicles and passengers. It’s generally only necessary to provide your name and insurance information to the other drivers involved, though state laws vary. If the other party is willing, it’s also often beneficial to exchange phone numbers. It’s important to not admit guilt or blame the other driver.
  • Notify your insurance company: Reporting an insurance claim should be just as easy as it would be at home. Your insurance company will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding your policy. The company will send an adjuster to investigate the accident, determine liability, calculate claim values, and negotiate settlements. The adjuster will either be sent from your hometown or a location near the accident. Depending on your policy, your insurance company may also send you a tow truck and help you find a nearby repair shop.

Getting into a car accident in an unfamiliar place can be stressful. As long as you stay calm and take the appropriate steps, you’ll be just fine. These types of crashes happen regularly, and for that reason, car insurance companies make these cases as easy as possible. Our best New York car accident lawyers say your coverage limits will always adjust to meet the maximum coverage on your policy, even if you’re driving in a state that requires lower liability limits than your home state.

Filing an Injury Lawsuit After an Out-of-State Accident

If you sustained an injury and want to take legal action against the at-fault driver—perhaps you need compensation for medical bills or damages—you will almost always follow the laws of the state where the car accident occurred. For instance, if you’re from New York and get into a car accident in Virginia, you’re under Virginia’s jurisdiction. However, there are several exceptions and the rules are rarely straightforward, especially if the state where the accident occurred has specific limitations and conditions that could affect your claim.

Rear View Of Female Driver With Neck Injury Getting Out Of Car After Crash
Rear View Of Female Driver With Neck Injury Getting Out Of Car After Crash

Filing an Injury Lawsuit After an Out-of-State Accident

If you sustained an injury and want to take legal action against the at-fault driver—perhaps you need compensation for medical bills or damages—you will almost always follow the laws of the state where the car accident occurred. For instance, if you’re from New York and get into a car accident in Virginia, you’re under Virginia’s jurisdiction. However, there are several exceptions and the rules are rarely straightforward, especially if the state where the accident occurred has specific limitations and conditions that could affect your claim.

Contact New York’s Trusted Car Accident Attorneys

If you’ve gotten into a car accident outside of New York and need an experienced attorney to fight for you, contact our best New York car accident lawyers at The Barnes Firm. We are a group of knowledgeable lawyers who can handle cases of any size. We’re available 24/7 to review your accident and answer your questions for FREE. Speak with a knowledgeable car accident attorney at The Barnes Firm today by completing our online contact form or by calling our office to schedule your free consultation.

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